Wrote a new poem

I Wrote a New Poem This Morning

February 28, 20252 min read

Sometimes poetry gives me access to creativity or what I'm feeling in a way I can't get to just by journaling, so I wrote a new poem this morning.

Today I found just the gaping hole that I needed to mend in my heart.

Everything was a little different last year without my brother, who I lost in June to pancreatic cancer.

I miss his quick wit and storytelling and ability to make us all laugh.

My poem helped me realize that this loss is taking me back to how I felt as a child, searching at the big family gatherings for how I fit in.

Now it's feels more like I'm searching for how the new family order fits into our past and our future.

I know this is deeply personal and you may be asking what it has to do with business.

I think business is personal, especially small business.

And honestly I think there are a lot of business owners hurting from last year and even the beginning of this year, and if that's you, I want you to give yourself some grace to realize that it has been hard in ecommerce lately.

If you have struggled with lower profits and higher cost and aren't sure what the new world looks like with constant changes at Amazon, you are not alone.

At a presentation I gave a few months ago about the state of the industry someone said, “Whew, I’m glad not just me that is making no money and going in the hole!”

I could feel their false sense of relief. I quickly reminded them that on the deck of that Titanic there was no benefit to having company as the ship sank.

I wanted them to figure out where the life rafts are and to get in one!

That's what I want for you too. I want you to have a chance at surviving by giving yourself time to make good decisions and to fully align your cash resources with your business goals.

Our Cash Flow Accelerator Program can offer you exactly that.

You'll get clear about your money and goals. Then we ensure your personal goals are going to be served by all your work in your business.

We guide you through the process, so you have a road map to get you to your destination.

The program has a few spots left for March. If you'd like to be on board a life raft for this year, schedule your call before spots are gone!


PS. Here's my poem if you're curious. It's from a poetry prompt by Joseph Fasano.

Still Not Sure

My name is Lou

Today I feel like a lost child watching in the back of the room

Sometimes I am a mouse

Sometimes I am a cheetah

But always I am searching

I ask the world, “Where do I fit in?”

And the answer is “A lost child watching in the back of the room.”

@copyright Cyndi Thomason

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